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Ringing in the Blues? When looking for a colored gemstone, we are often spoilt for choice with the number of colors available on the market today. From natural Sapphires to Rubies, Alexandrite and even Tourmaline, there are a range of options when you set out to buy a piece of jewelry. But when it comes to weddings and engagements, a color that will speak of loyalty and love, the Blue Sapphire trumps all. An extremely durable gemstone that can endure a lot of daily wear and tear, these beaming blues are easy to fall in love with on their own or when set with accentuating gems. Colored by the presence of Iron and Titanium, Blue Sapphire isn’t the only variety revealed by Mother Nature. Close cousins are the luscious red Ruby, the Pink Sapphire, sunset Padparadshas and likewise many more. Corundums that come without any color are often referred to in the industry as White Sapphires and are ideal when paired with vibrantly colored gemstones. With a luster that can match up to that...
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How to identify Original Yellow Sapphire

Buying a gemstone could be just as intimidating as buying a car, so many options, different price ranges and numerous colors in each variety. But just like the research you do to buy a car, when buying a gemstone like a Sapphire a little research goes a long way. In this post we will help you narrow down on the right yellow sapphire that will match both your budget and lifestyle, making the gemstone not only a good investment but also one you wont be scared to wear and show off.  The Yellow Sapphire is a variety like all the others, from the species corundum, a gem with numerous unique qualities. Colored by the element Iron, the intensity of the iron can determine overall color of the gemstone. Natural gems demand higher premiums and exceptionally clear gems are right at the top. But how to identify an original yellow sapphire you ask? Well here are a few pointers you wont want to miss out when buying a gem. Natural, Treated or Synthetic: When investing in a fine gem, one m...

Pink Sapphire vs Ruby

If you haven’t already seen a beautiful Pink Sapphire , one with unmatched clarity, good color and of course, a sparkly brilliance, at , our handpicked selection of gems ranging from Pink Sapphires, Rubies, Blue Sapphires and Padparadschas make up some of the lovely Corundums we have in stock. Here are a few reasons why we love the Pink Sapphire and why you should too. For a gemstone with a soft, feminine color, these gems have great hardness making them a lovely choice or rings, earrings and even pendants. Strong and durable, they can be cut in almost any shape from hearts, pears and even modified fancy cutting styles while still being a good choice for jewelry because of the gems internal strong bonds. So if you’re looking for that unique gemstone that can speak for itself, the Pink Sapphire should be your choice. And what will sweep you away about the natural pink sapphire is its inclusive color range. From light airy pinks, seen on the honey suckle flower to...

Natural Blue Sapphire Gemstones

The White Sapphire is a gemstone variety from the famous Corundum family growing in popularity today. It’s durable nature; lustrous appearance and unique beauty set it apart, making it a lovely choice to accent jewelry with. Derived from the word ‘leykos’, meaning White, the white sapphire is a cousin to the sunset Padparadscha, the glorious Ruby, the midnight Blue Sapphire and even the forever elegant Star Corundum. Mined in regions that are rich with aluminum oxides, from Srilanka, Madagascar, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, a bulk of these transparent sapphires are often used as an abrasive because of the presence of its internal features. The absence of heavy inclusions makes these gems highly valuable thanks to their beauty and rarity adding to the demand of these beautiful gems. Today trending patterns feature the natural White Sapphire set as the center stone in engagement rings for the modern age couple. What is important to note about these transparent crystal is its...

Blue Sapphire Stone Effects

Associated with royalty and romance, the Blue Sapphire is a gemstone that has been around for years. From being a popular, bold colored gemstone in the 1920’s to its comeback as an engagement ring after Lady Diana’s ring, these midnight blues have been a unanimously well-liked choice for generations. A luster that is second only to the diamond, these gems always have an attractive appeal. When selecting a Blue Sapphire for an engagement ring it can sometimes involve a lot of specialization, although with these key points, our team of gemologists at have compiled, it will surely make the process a breeze. A luxurious choice that will only come alive once set, these timeless blues are known to promote love. Color: From a rich, deep blue color, that resembles the midnight sky, the Blue Sapphire has a mature, elegant appeal that is fashionable through the seasons. The perfect something blue for a wedding, they add a lovely touch of color to an all white ensemble. T...