Ringing in the Blues? When looking for a colored gemstone, we are often spoilt for choice with the number of colors available on the market today. From natural Sapphires to Rubies, Alexandrite and even Tourmaline, there are a range of options when you set out to buy a piece of jewelry. But when it comes to weddings and engagements, a color that will speak of loyalty and love, the Blue Sapphire trumps all. An extremely durable gemstone that can endure a lot of daily wear and tear, these beaming blues are easy to fall in love with on their own or when set with accentuating gems. Colored by the presence of Iron and Titanium, Blue Sapphire isn’t the only variety revealed by Mother Nature. Close cousins are the luscious red Ruby, the Pink Sapphire, sunset Padparadshas and likewise many more. Corundums that come without any color are often referred to in the industry as White Sapphires and are ideal when paired with vibrantly colored gemstones. With a luster that can match up to that...
Buying a gemstone could be just as intimidating as buying a car, so many options, different price ranges and numerous colors in each variety. But just like the research you do to buy a car, when buying a gemstone like a Sapphire a little research goes a long way. In this post we will help you narrow down on the right yellow sapphire that will match both your budget and lifestyle, making the gemstone not only a good investment but also one you wont be scared to wear and show off. The Yellow Sapphire is a variety like all the others, from the species corundum, a gem with numerous unique qualities. Colored by the element Iron, the intensity of the iron can determine overall color of the gemstone. Natural gems demand higher premiums and exceptionally clear gems are right at the top. But how to identify an original yellow sapphire you ask? Well here are a few pointers you wont want to miss out when buying a gem. Natural, Treated or Synthetic: When investing in a fine gem, one m...